3 janvier 2015 6 03 /01 /janvier /2015 09:33

Image Space Incorporated vient de mettre à disposition une nouvelle version (1.35) du circuit Silverstone pour rFactor 2.


En plus d'un nouveau tracé (National), cette version apporte des corrections et améliorations notamment les trajectoires des opposants virtuels (IA).

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21 décembre 2014 7 21 /12 /décembre /2014 18:07

Image Space Incorporated a réalisé la version 2.0 du très populaire circuit Lime Rock Park pour rFactor 2 !


Au programme, un bon nombre de corrections et d'évolutions comme l'ajout de la technologie "RealRoad".

rFactor 2 circuit Lime Rock Park 2.0 disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Lime Rock Park 2.0 disponible !

Liste des modifications (en anglais) :


Updated roads, curbs and concrete to use Real Road Shader
Replaced trackside vehicles with more detailed ones
Replaced all sector timing lines
Redone all verges and fixed the most important mapping glitches
Redone groove mapping
Set new static reflection map position
Filled hills with more treelines
Applied new terrain shader and re-blended terrain
Applied vertex-based terrain shading (Radiosity + manual tweaking)
Added billboard weeds on terrain embankments
Added collision object for vehicles (hit at own risk)
Added crude –but effective– concrete wall to close off infield terrain gap
Added (lightweight) RC Layout
Increased number of pit spots
Included Test Team RealRoad Preset Pack

Fixed black faces on pit, paddock, Skip Barber and outer buildings
Fixed vegetation Vertex Alpha
Fixed crowd Vertex Alpha
Fixed unusually odd glitches on building glass
Fixed glowing marshals
Fixed hard seams at treeline edges
Fixed oil waste bin normal map
Fixed curb mapping
Fixed seam in curb mapping
Fixed tree mapping
Fixed gaps at T1, Podium and Paddock terrain
Fixed smoothing issues on some trackside objects
Fixed tyrewall popups
Fixed vegetation popups
Fixed tyre collision detection
Fixed building collision detection
Fixed floating crowd due to missing buildings on lower detail
Fixed outstanding shadow popups
Fixed some texture saturation
Fixed Paddock stripes to line up with pit building
Fixed Paddock cones to line up with pit building
Attempted to reduce tree transparency issue

Improved movable objects reaction
Improved crowd material
Improved pit building normal maps
Improved outhouse normal and specular maps
Improved vegetation materials and textures
Improved and optimized glass materials
Improved road and terrain texture sets
Improved painted stripes
Improved armco normal map
Improved vegetation randomness through vertex shading
Added bump/spec maps for fence-mounted ivy
Added key terrain reflections
Moved fire truck to narrow the incorrect pit exit shortcut
Reduced aliasing on Barriers and Tyres
Reduced aliasing on Terrain
Reduced aliasing on Vegetation
Reduced aliasing on Buildings
Reduced aliasing on Structures
Tweaked fog

Optimized roads, curbs and terrain for smoother performance
Optimized road and verge decals for smoother performance
Optimized armco for smoother and better performance
Optimized fences for smoother performance
Optimized tyres for smoother and better performance
Optimized buildings for smoother performance
Optimized structures for smoother performance
Optimized small props for smoother performance
Optimized vegetation for smoother performance
Optimized crowds for smoother performance
Optimized vehicles for smoother performance
Optimized wet surface reflections
Optimized environment reflection on carbody

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16 décembre 2014 2 16 /12 /décembre /2014 17:00

rFactor 2 s'offre aujourd'hui sa Build 906, dont la plus grosse nouveauté est l'intégration d'un launcher dit "intelligent". Grâce à ce launcher, vous allez pouvoir télécharger, installer et gérer vos mods avant le lancement du jeu. Une option dite "+connect" est prévue à l'avenir pour vous permettre de rejoindre une course spécifique directement depuis ce launcher.


Il y a eu une modification de la balance des couleurs, ainsi que le support des périphériques de types "jauges".


Le patchnote complet ci-dessous :

Added code to allow non-linear analog gauges.
Added some feedback to 3 AI parameters to dev mode AIW editor (corner caution:, understeer throttle cut:, understeer lat) so that you can watch in realtime as they have an effect.
New Launcher UI.
New remote content package manager integrated with Launcher UI.
Simplified activation process.
Sync Manager now restarts Launcher after update installation with original permissions.

Fixed intermittent crash on vehicle load.
Fixed rain volume which became too loud for some reason.
FXAA fix for monitor.
Fix for extraneous window in ded server mode.
Possible fix to 1st time failure downing vmod install failure on game connect in cases where vmod and components already downloaded but not installed.
Set lower default spotter volume.
Changed the small rfm, veh, and track main page display buttons to not load an image if their image size is set to 0 in either dimension. This is to prevent crash if a UI should have them on the same page as one of another gizmo that uses those assets (and destroys them).
Fixed bug with options not always remembering rfm/vehicle/track list/menu preference.
Fix for replays not loading some *.mas skins. (skins shared over multiplayer may still not load)
Potentially fixed names running over the HUD menus with a new HUD parameter & a fixed algorithm.
Fixed 64 bit Dev Mode inablity to save AIW files.
Fixed a potential crash upon starting AIW editor.
Fixed pit menu selected box from being too small in some cases.
Fixed HUD message center messages from extending beyond the box in some cases.
Fixed bug where virtual vehicles created with a *.mas loose skin file instead of a *.dds skin file wouldn’t show the correct skin in the spinner or on track.
Fixed a rare buffer overrun error in track name text display.
Changed replay letterbox to extend the entire width of the screen instead of just inside the options extent.
Attempted fix for occasional vehicle load/unload loop that appeared to cause network lag.
Fixed some multiplayer “Get Mod” issues with downloading/installing components and cleaned up the UI to be more readable.

Added APP_TextValue_GarageTireLoad_FrontLeft, APP_TextValue_GarageTireLoad_FrontRight, APP_TextValue_GarageTireLoad_RearLeft, APP_TextValue_GarageTireLoad_RearRight Gizmos back. (not yet used in default options)
Created gizmos for replay mode, length and current position. (not yet used in default options)
Renamed “binkanimations” to “genericanimations” since they not longer use bink
Added HUD parameter for pit menu maximum length.
Added an “instant update” parameter to vehicle and track lists for options that forgo the “accept”/”cancel” mechanism.

Broke up installing of downloaded components on multiplayer join so that the options have a chance to update and get a little bit of ui feedback to the user about what the game is doing

Modified scene post-gamma value to improve color balance.
Ambient boost removed, no longer needed with improved scene gamma.
Improved some HDR automation parameters.
HDP files now deprecated and are disabled by default. HDP files can still be enabled via the plr file option ‘Enable Legacy HDR Profiles’.
Removed specular floor value, which was causing incorrect highlights at night.

Added a Controller.JSON value “Steering Torque Capability” in order to specify the strength of strong FFB wheels (like direct drive). If this is set properly, and it exceeds the NominalMaxSteeringTorque for a given vehicle, it allows a 1:1 correlation between the calculated torque and the actual FFB torque. (However, note that we still don’t model power steering, so the calculated torque is stronger than it should be for some vehicles.)
Increased the number of buttons per controller supported.

Updated the component mas file loading (for tracks only) to remove irrelevant layout mas files.
Dev Mode: When editing AI driver parameters we now change the driver to match selected car in the editor window automatically when bouncing between cars

Set the mLastImpact* variables in the telemetry plugin interface.
Made plugin interface to add chat messages work on dedicated servers.
Fixed a few things with the Internals Plugin weather interface, and added a new option to apply cloudiness instantly.

rFactor Website

rFactor 2 - Build 906 disponible, un launcher intelligent inclu.
rFactor 2 - Build 906 disponible, un launcher intelligent inclu.

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23 novembre 2014 7 23 /11 /novembre /2014 11:50

Image Space Incorporated vient de partager quelques images de la modélisation en course du circuit Atlanta Motorsports Park pour rFactor 2.


Vous pourrez voir que le modèle 3D permet de parfaitement épouser le relief de la réalité...

rFactor 2 : modélisation Atlanta Motorsports Park
rFactor 2 : modélisation Atlanta Motorsports Park
rFactor 2 : modélisation Atlanta Motorsports Park

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22 novembre 2014 6 22 /11 /novembre /2014 11:56

La Corvette C6 pour rFactor 2 est maintenant disponible !


Pas moins de quatre modèles de la mythique Corvette sont inlus dans la mise à jour : la C6 Coupe, la Grand Sport, la Z06 et la ZR1 !


A vos volants !

rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !
rFactor 2 : Corvette C6 disponible !

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8 novembre 2014 6 08 /11 /novembre /2014 11:59

A l'occasion du Grand Prix de Formule 1 du Brésil, Image Space Incorporated offre 20% de réduction pour l'achat de rFactor 2 !


Pour en bénéficier, rendez-vous sur l'interface d'achat en ligne de la simulation (purschase) où il convient de renseigner la zone "Promo Code".


Une vidéo explicative (en anglais) est disponible au bas de ce billet.

rFactor 2 : 20% de réduction ce week-end !

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1 novembre 2014 6 01 /11 /novembre /2014 15:36

Image Space Incorporated vient d'annoncer qu'Atlanta Motorsports Park allait intégrer, dans le futur, la liste des circuit déjà présents dans rFactor 2.


Ce sera deux tracés en particulier, celui pour les autos et celui pour le karting...

rFactor 2 circuit Atlanta Motorsports Park à venir

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1 novembre 2014 6 01 /11 /novembre /2014 07:36

Image Space Incorporated vient de mettre à disposition rFactor en build 880 !


Le "SDK" pour les Modders, la version Lite, complète et Demo ont été revues pour l'occasion. 


Le contenu de la Demo propose maitenant la Formula Renault 3.5 de 2014 et la Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT2 sur le circuit de Silverstone.


Au programme de cette nouvelle version, des améliorations graphiques et comme toujours de nombreuses corrections.

rFactor 2 : build 880 disponible !

Liste des modifications (en anglais) :

Fixed terrain shader specularity issue.
Fixed wet surface reflections.
Lightened up shadows by artificially boosting ambient light level.
Fix problem seeing steering wheel in rear look under certain conditions.
Some code to help with blurry rims.

Re-recorded commentary with a MASSIVE volume boost (You might want to adjust your settings)

Fixed auto update bug for expired accounts
Fixed a very minor memory leak.
Several minor stability fixes.
Removed requirement for “_x64″ to be added to 64-bit plugins. It’s no longer a problem because they are in a separate directory. However, it still might be useful to for humans to identify which is which.
Added a new default method for assigning pit/garage spots in multiplayer which keeps them more consistent over a weekend. This new default method can be disabled by changing the multiplayer.json value “Assign Parking” to false (at which point it will revert to using the traditional team-based pit/garage assignments).
Fixed issue where driver body sometimes appears while rear-looking.
Minor fixes to prevent crash when exiting from “rF2 already running” condition
Fixed random black box that appears when hitting ‘`’ key
Dealing with some uninitialized data in old TGMs that is now actually used.

Smoothed out the corner widening associated with rcd parameter UnderSteerEffectOnLineThreshold trigger as well as with rear grip loss. Made the rate of “corner widening” relative either to the car’s lateral velocity or lateral position relative to current waypoint direction.
Pace cars now look for a path called “PACECAR” to drive, otherwise defaults to fastest path.
Fixed AI tire drag calculation
Slightly better AI bumpstop damping.
Fixed a bug in AI logic that could result in cars taking high speed corners a bit too fast and wide.

New tire contact patch code added. It is backwards-compatible (i.e. existing tires should not change behavior, you would need to do more +ttool analysis in order for new functionality to take effect). There are some minor issues that still need to be ironed out.

Allow replays to run without the correct version of a scene or vehicle, but only after checking for the correct one first.
Lock in demo mod when using creating a new plr file with the +demo CLI parameter set.
Added a new default method for assigning pit/garage spots in multiplayer which keeps them more consistent over a weekend. This new default method can be disabled by changing the multiplayer.json value “Assign Parking” to false (at which point it will revert to using the traditional team-based pit/garage assignments).
Added additional options for the RFM variable ‘FinishUnderCaution’ to allow the finish to be delayed up to 3x. Previous options were off, 1x, or infinite.
Much behind the scenes work on plugin interface for future interface additions
GetMod now checks if file is held locally and installs it, rather than redownloading or presenting an error being unable to overwrite it when doing so.

In the AIW editor, made the Ctrl-Shift(-Alt) keys easier to move the car when paused: 1) it now follows the terrain, and 2) rotating the car with the 4 and 6 numpad keys doesn’t simultaneously rotate the swingman camera.
Modmgr now automatically saves/loads separate profiles for each install.
Added log message and assert if there are no collidable triangles in SCN, which isn’t really handled.
fixes to new pit/garage assignment code
Made new pit/garage assignment work with driver changes (probably needs testing).
dev mode AIW editor fix for moving path on last waypoint of pit lane
TTool: in the Realtime section, removed the somewhat-useless ‘Width’ and added the somewhat-useful ‘Dynamic Unloaded Radius’.
Fixed a possible game freeze using the AIW editor “move & Match” waypoint by waypoint manipulation function.

Moved version numbers for vehicles tree list down to the individual cars instead of the class headers

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25 octobre 2014 6 25 /10 /octobre /2014 14:51

Image Space Incorporated vient de mettre à disposition le circuit Sao Paulo pour rFactor 2 !


Plus connu sous le nom d'Interlagos, ce circuit a été développé, comme nous l'évoquions dans un précédent billet, en collaboration avec les Studios Reiza qui ont fourni la base du modèle.

rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !
rFactor 2 circuit Sao Paulo disponible !

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11 octobre 2014 6 11 /10 /octobre /2014 15:31

Tout comme Kunos Simulazioni, Image Space Incorporated travaille de plus en plus avec d'autres développeurs (indépendants ou non) pour la mise en oeuvre des contenus. C'est le cas pour ce circuit d'Interlagos qui est réalisé en collaboration avec les studios Reiza.

rFactor 2 circuit Interlagos en préparation

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